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Monday, August 18, 2008

You are an example to others... like it or not

Bryan and I have been married for almost 8 years (so hard to believe) and we have both grown and changed in so many ways. We have always been involved in our church and each with our own groups but watching how much we have actually grown over the years and to see the fruit of it in our children is pretty amazing. I can only imagine how Jesus feels when He looks down and we are "pleasing" him with our actions.

Bryan started reading a Bible Story each night with the 2 older girls and giving them a time of question and answer about the story. They really look forward to this time with their daddy every night. He sits on each of their beds and reads a story on each bed. Then they have their time of prayer with him and then he prays for them. Such a neat tradition he has started and I know it is one of GREAT value.

Tonight, I went in to tell them goodnight after he was done and told the girls they needed to pray for Graci because she hadn't slept well last night and didn't nap well today (sidenote: i am never going to get any sleep).

Here is the rest of the scenario:

Emi: I need to get on my knees and pray like we do sometimes in choir mommy.
Me: That would be nice. (as she kneels down between their beds)
Emi: Dear Jesus, as we come to you tonight, we thank you for hearing our prayers.
**okay, I started crying then... she was modeling her daddy's prayers**
I pray for Graci and thank you that she gets a good night sleep and that mommy will too.
Thank you for loving us. Amen
Payton: (as she gets down on her knees) Dear Jesus, thank you for helping Graci's ear to feel
better. We love you.

All I can say is, we follow by looking at someone as our example. This is something that has "bothered" me when I think about raising 3 girls in today's world. Bryan and I have had many late night talks about the responsibility given to us when we brought these precious girls into the world. I need to be the example they see for being a Christian mom and wife. Bryan needs to be the example they see for boyfriend / husband material. We, together, need to be the example they see as marriage the way God intended it.

I can just say, I am thankful for the example Bryan is setting now. For me and the girls. He is leading by being the example. Nothing more, and nothing less. It convicts me when I haven't spent any time in the Word or in prayer and it is convicting the girls when they say/do different things during the day.

Bryan, you are a true gift from God to me. Looking back over the last 10 years of our relationship, we have learned a lot and grown a lot. You are an amazing friend, husband, father and leader and I thank the Lord for you everyday. Love you Bry!!!!

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