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Friday, April 10, 2009

How Times Have Changed

Emi was almost 4 when she started gymnastics ... so hard to believe that she has only been taken for almost 2 years. She has come along in so many ways. Here is a picture of her the month before she turned 4...
This sport is so time consuming and it is causing us to sacrifice in so many areas of our lives, but God has told me many times that she will one day use this to glorify HIS name and share her testimony. You can't argue with that! She was given a gift, a talent, from Him and as long as she wants to do it, and as long as we can afford it, we will encourage this area of her life. She literally counts down the days until her next practice. She doesn't walk to her room, she tumbles. It drives her daddy crazy since she is always flipping in front of the tv, but I have learned to just watch "around" her. It's a way of life for us, every minute of every day.

I found this video of her doing her backward roll by herself and it was too cute, not to put on here.

What will she be doing in 2 more years.... I'll post a backhandspring video when I can find it.

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