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Monday, May 12, 2008

Gymnast & Ballerina...

Seeing girls flip and dance through our house is nothing out of the ordinary. Emi is constantly doing handstands, headstands, cartwheels, flips, walking on her hands, and on and on. Payton is ALWAYS in pigtails and tights and a leotard. I don't know what I will do when Graci gets on this bandwagon. I am hoping she will have horses as her hobby so I can get my horse and she is so little it would be perfect!!
So... here are a few pictures of my life in our house...


Amy said...

Oh my gosh, those pictures are so hilarious. I love that one of Graci. And I love that in Payton's picture, Emi is still doing her handstand!!! lol... I love your girls! And I hate how clean your house is! :)

Jenn said...

Lol!!!!!!!!! Love it!

Ummm, Amy, hate me for her house being so clean;)

Oh i love my nieces soooooooo much...anytime you want to swap gaseous boys for sweet fluffy, tumbly, twirly girls I'm all for it:)

yep, you got it, i said "gaseous"

amy, my floor is covered w/laundry, dog stuff, papers & currently we have no table to eat on b/c that is where we keep ALL our clean clothes...you know, it makes sense...come get your clothes at the table--everything is clean--just find what you need:)

xoxo brn sug!

Ronda said...

They are so precious! I do hope you get some rest now and then though. Love ya!