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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hump Day

Well it has only been 4 days since I have been home from Savannah, GA but I am missing it so badly. It is such a nice break to get away and forget you have any responsibilites back in Birmingham. I was soooo ready to see my children, but I wasn't so ready to be back into the norm. I was telling my sis-in-law how it only takes one day to get back into the "normal" life and forget you were ever away in the first place.

There were several praises while we were gone though. The girls were in Selma with my inlaws for 3 nights and all 3 slept great down there!!! I was so worried about Graci since she doesn't usually sleep anywhere but her bed, but God took care of that worry and she slept every night and took naps :) That was so great. The older girls always sleep so good down there. They had the best time! Their Nana Reed is always so creative and does fun crafts with them. They made beautiful butterflies with their handprints that I am going to put in our "craft frames" going down the stairs. And of course another highlight was going to the Dollar Tree and shopping for their favorite things. Candy, bubbles, flip flops and headbands. They were on cloud nine. They also got to go to the Battle of Selma - not quite old enough to understand it but they told me it was very LOUD!

Another praise was that they transferred from Nana Reed to Nana without a problem. I was worried they wouldn't want to transfer but all was well. My mom brought them to my house and spent the night with them here. They had a lot of fun. They played outside until they couldn't play anymore. My mom is real good at wearing them out by playing so hard. They all slept for her too. McDonalds, gymnastics and outside play - they had a blast!

Bryan and I really had a great time and we couldn't have asked for better company.


Amy said...

Let's all go to Savannah!!!! :)

~Amanda~ said...

Hey Shannon! How are you? Your girls are soo cute! Just happened to come across your blog through someone else's. Hope ya'll are doing well!

~Amanda Bargainnier Tucker