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Sunday, April 6, 2008

Gone Trucking with Daddy

Bryan drives the big 18-wheeler for Student Life Ministries each year and he loves doing it. This is his 6th year to do this so the girls have known that their daddy drives a big truck and they love to go and see it. This year, their precious daddy decided to take each one of them on a day trip to drop the trailer at the venue. They had sooooo much fun. He took Payton to Atlanta (since it was the shortest trip) and Emi to Nashville. Daddy did such a good job taking pictures for mommy to put in the scrapbook and on the blog.

Payton's trip was pretty uneventful so it was a good first trip for her. Emi's was a little more eventful. They started to lose tread on one of the trailer tires so they had to pull over and wait for someone to come and change the tire to the tune of 1 1/2 hours of waiting. She was such a trooper. It rained the whole way up there too. There was a wreck that put them even later. They were 2 hours late to load in which put them late getting home. They didn't pull into the house until 10:00 that night but thankfully Emi didn't take too long to wind down and get to sleep. When we were saying our prayers the first thing she said was that she was thankful for getting to spend some time with her daddy and getting to ride in the "big truck". It was so sweet. Here are some pics from the trips:

*Payton and her little traveler Callie:
*Look at me mommy!
*Ready to roll!!
*Lunch with my daddy in the truck - a taco!!
*Miss Priss Emi ready for the ride
*Look mommy!
*Little miss priss again!
*Emi took a picture of her daddy!
*The Big chicken at the truck stop
*Check out the sign in the background... leave it to daddy!


Jenn said...

Absolutely adorable truckin' girls...such sweet memories with daddy---i love it!!! The "show girl" sign is too funny---lol;o)!!!!!

Jenn said...

one pic, the one of Pay eating a taco, looks like Brooks...so very cute to hang w/daddy...

Amy said...

Okay, those are PRECIOUS!!! I love those trucker girls. When I was little, I wanted to be a truck driver and a tap dancer. Bryan's living the dream!!!

Todd said...

What great memories for them and good job Bryan remembering to take photos along the way!

southernsweetie99 said...

That is too sweet! My husband didn't know what to do with the kids when they were small. He has just now started taking them places!