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Sunday, February 17, 2008

An "Alfalfa" Moment

The girls wanted to rent a movie this weekend since Daddy was out of town, so I was going to get Mary Poppins, but the movie store didn't have it. So instead, Caitlin (Bryan's cousin that was here for the weekend) suggested The Little Rascals. I haven't seen that movie in forever and I thought the girls would really enjoy it. I think Caitlin and I laughed more than they did but it was still a great choice, if not only for my new saying... An Alfalfa moment :)

In the movie, when Alfalfa is running in his underwear away from the dog and he says that it can't get worse than it was and then runs into the bullies. Then he looks up and says:
Just when I think it can't get any worse, the clouds open up and God looks down and says, "I hate you Alfalfa". I just thought that was hilarious and so that is my new saying... An Alfalfa Moment.

(Now some of you don't take that serious when I say that. I know God doesn't cause bad things and I know he doesn't hate me - just to clear that up for some of you.)

Now, let me explain my moment......

I don't know if it was just the weather today or if something was in the air but everything started off wrong and just kept going that way. I woke up late (and everyone knows that starts off your day in a mood). I was rushing around trying to get myself ready before everyone else was up and moving. I know all you moms understand that. I managed to take a shower, wash my hair, get dressed, get Payton dressed and her hair fixed, and my coffee made before Emi and Graci woke up. The whole time I am trying to keep quiet so we don't wake daddy up since he got home from Memphis so late. Payton said her stomach hurt so I had her just sit down while I got ready. Emi got up and I got her ready real quick before I had to go dry my hair. While drying my hair, Graci woke up so Caitlin got her up for me while I finished. Running around the house throwing the bag together and getting everyone's shoes on and trying to drink my coffee (which I didn't get to do until church) - we were sure entertaining to Caitlin. Payton said again that her stomach hurt and before I knew it, she threw up all over the table and then all over the floor. By this time it is 8:30 - the time I need to have everyone in the car. While cleaning all of this up and trying to calm Payton down, Caitlin gets Graci and Emi in the car for me (thank God for extra hands). I check Payton for fever, which she has none, and she said she felt fine and wanted to go to church. So off I go. I get downstairs with everyone buckled in and it is pouring down rain. I go to back up out of my garage and Bryan's truck is parked there so we can't get out. I also realize I have left without a paci and without a lovey - bad bad thing! So I run upstairs to get the paci and lovey and B's keys to move his truck.

At this point I look at Caitlin and I say:
"the clouds just opened up and God looked down and said, I hate you Shannon"

This caused us both to laugh at the morning and continue onto to Church. We weren't but 10 minutes late either and that was pretty good.

Choir was unusually chaotic but church was great and the guy leading the worship songs today was really good. I enjoyed him a lot. I just hope that this isn't a sign of how my week is going to be.


Jenn said...

oh dear! what a frenzied morning!!! thank god for laughter amidst stress:). whew...lol!

so, memories were made w/caitlin at least...she'll probably stay away for a while;o).

is having a morning like this a better work out than kick boxing? hee!

i love all my baby gehls!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

And yet, you still came to church! On a morning like that, I have been known to just give up...good for you!

Ronda said...

So sorry it was such a rough morning. Know that we "get it"! It is nice when you can just laugh through it. You notice that we didn't make it to church on Sunday...another story for another day. I'll just say, "Thank you God for Children's ER". All is well now. Love ya!

Amy said...

Holy cow. That's hilarious... I love your saying. The way you say it is waaaay funnier than Alfalfa, though!!!! I'm glad you made it through everything, and you are an AWESOME choir teacher. It'll be better next week!!!