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Thursday, December 13, 2007


The last couple of weeks have seemed to go by in a blur. So much happening and so many things going on, that literally I just feel like I am going through the motions of life. Anyone else feel this way? This season is supposed to be about family and thanking God for the gift that He gave us, His Son, and blessing others. I just feel like everyone is so worried about going and doing things, that we rarely stop to just thank the Lord for what he has given to us. I know that I am so blessed with the life he has given to me.
I was talking to someone yesterday and was saying how much my life has changed since Bryan and I got married in 2000. I never in a million years thought that I would be a stay at home mom to 3 beautiful girls, living in the house I am living in, driving the car I am driving and just living the way i am living today. I am by no means rich in material things, but I am so rich in the blessings God has given to me.
My husband has worked so hard over the last 7 years to establish the business he has and to be able to provide for us the way he does. He is the most unselfish person I have ever met and has the most generous and giving heart of anyone I have ever met, besides my father (but that is for a later blog).
Life is grand, even in the midst of my chaos at home. Trying to talk to anyone about anything on the phone is comical. Most of you know exactly what I am talking about. I am constantly correcting children and constantly yelling and constantly just "doing" things in my house, that I am forgetting to thank God for the children I am yelling at. I feel like such a failure sometimes but then I realize that God's grace is sufficient for me and that he knows I have NO idea what I am doing, but that I am a work in progress and He is not done with me yet. What a relief!!!
I just needed a reminder from God today about these random thoughts and I needed to put them down. So....
Dear God,
Thank you so much for the husband and children you have blessed me with. Help me to remember that the girls are "on loan" from you and I am molding and making them into children that will love and serve you with all their heart one day. Help me to look to you everyday in every situation, good or bad, and to not give up. Help me to love and serve my husband and the girls the way you intend for me to. Thank you for always being there for me and for listening to my ramblings and chaos. I love you God and I thank you for your blessings in my life.

I know this is random and chaotic... .but that is the way my life is now. Random and chaotic and a work in progress....


Jennifer said...

I loved your random thoughts and your sweet family is a blessing to so many of us!

Ronda said...

I can appreciate those random thoughts too. Thank you for sharing. I miss you!!

Amy said...

It's all a blur sometimes, and I want to slow it all down. We are all blessed so much. It's just amazing. You're a blessing too!!!

Jenn said...

I so love hearing your heart, sugar.

I love you!