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Friday, June 13, 2008

Air National Guard

So many people I have known have been affected by someone close to them going into the military - either here in the states or being shipped overseas to fight for my freedom. Now I am seeing things with a whole new perspective from my end.

My little brother, well not little, I should say younger, has been gone for a week and a half now in Basic Training for the Air National Guard. He is in Texas and the first and only time we have heard from him since he has been there, he was having a tough time. I usually talk to my brother at least every other day so this is different and difficult for me. I miss him and I am constantly praying for him.

I asked God to wake me up in the middle of the night whenever Shawn needed prayer. That first night he was there I woke up 6 times with him in the front of my mind. I prayed diligently then, just as I do now. When Shawn called and talked to mom he told her that the first night was literally one from hell and he didn't think he was going to make it through. But he did, and now it is the first week of physical training. I know he is going to come out of this a stronger man and a better man, but I just ask that you pray for him whenever you think about it. From what I have heard, the first 2 weeks of any boot camp is horrible and can be the worst of your life. Being away from family with no tv or music or communication would be difficult for anyone, but especially for him since he still lives at home with my mom and dad and has never been on his own, this is a real world wake up call for him.

My mom and dad are having a hard time too because they are used to seeing him everyday too. This is just an adjustment, but please pray for him when you think about it. If you are interested in sending him cards (he would love it) let me know and I can get the address to whoever is interested. Now off to bed for me...


Jennifer said...

So proud for Shawn, and praying for all of you. I can't imagine what an adjustment this is. I'd love his address.

Unknown said...

When my little brother went to boot camp I felt the same way. I'll be praying for all of you.

How's your toe?

Jenn said...

you are a wonderful sis to your 2 bros~they are deeply blessed to have you!

praying for his mind & that he is protected from spiritual warfare...

we miss him, too, & it is weird not seeing him around or knowing he's not far away...

your lil' bro will come back one changed man & a stronger warrior for Christ...i can't wait to see physical & spiritual renewal!

praise God for awakening you to pray!
xoxo 2 u!
here 4 u!
i understand the feeling of missing , yearning, & aching for a brother w/Chris's situation.

Ronda said...

I am praying for Shawn and your whole family. I was scared when my brother went to boot camp. It was so tough but many good things came from it. I'm proud of all of our military brothers - active or not. Love you!

Amy said...

I've had first hand experience with this, and I truly understand. I'll pray for him, and have thought of you all often since Jamie told me he was going. What happened to your toe????

Shannon said...

info: i broke my toe on the couch while running to get payton. it was nasty, but looking much better today :)

Jenn said...

her toe is super crooked & she was hobbling around all day on Fathers' Day :(:(:(