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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Pay Pay is 3!!!!

My middle baby turned 3 today!!! I can't believe it. My pregancy with her was my hardest of the 3 (most of you know and remember that). I had a blood clotting disorder so I had to do heparin shots in my belly twice a day during my last 2 trimesters - not fun :( but so worth it :)

Our verse for precious Payton was : I Samuel 1:27 I prayed for this child and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. We were so worried during the last trimester because of all the tests I was having done and just to make sure she kept moving. But God was there for us, through it all. Payton was born 3 weeks early weighing 6 lbs 9 oz.... healthy and beautiful! Now she is 3 and close to 33 or 34 pounds. Time flies!

We had her birthday party today. She was so cute and so excited all day. She kept singing "Happy Birthday to PayPay" and acting like she was blowing out her candles. Her party was at pump it up with family and a few of her close friends she wanted to ask. We had a blast! Will upload the pictures tomorrow to share those. She got so many cute things and fun things. We played with everything all afternoon. Her sweet cousin Caitlin gave her a baby doll that goes in the bathtub and it floats.... so yes, we had to take a bath tonight and she and Graci had a blast with the new baby (she hasn't named that one yet). Nana & Paw gave her a new Cinderella book that has flip up pages that is a collectors book and really is amazing (the author creates one of these books a year - I'll try to post a pic to see it) and a cool Littlest Pet shop kit!!! Nana Reed and Papa gave her a new baby doll and she has already named her Callie (all on her own) and she is already being well loved and toted around. We gave her a new Princess bike that she was wanting and her Uncle Shane & Aunt Jen gave her the helmet that goes with it. Clothes, toys, books, art supplies, and so many other things I can't remember right now, but we had a great day all in all.

My precious little PayPay is one year older and she will proudly tell you that she is 3 and that she is the "happy birthday girl".... We love you Payton!!!


Amy said...

Happy birthday, Payton!! I love you and I'm so glad you had a great birthday!!

Unknown said...

It's so hard to believe that she is three! Happy Birthday Precious Girl!!

Ronda said...

She was so proud on Sunday and was still just glowing from her big day!! I can't believe it has already been 3 years!!!