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Sunday, September 16, 2007


Well, for those of you that are driving me crazy about not actually "doing" my blog... I decided I would try to get a quick post in to describe the way my weekend started.

Saturday went something like this: I woke up determined to accomplish everything I had "planned" for the morning with a great attitude. My first mistake was the planning part. I should know by now that planning doesn't work when you have 3 kids :)

My first thing on the agenda was to go and pick up my vegetables from my co-op group at 9:15 which is only 5 minutes from my house. In the process of trying to get everyone ready and out the door, Graci fell on the tile (towel as PayPay says) in the bathroom. (Jen, this is where you called me and I had to vent to you about how I was so aggravated.) Where her 4 precious teeth are coming in on the top of her mouth, she busted hard. This caused massive amounts of blood from her mouth and I couldn't see where or how bad things were. It's not like I could tell my 9 month old to hold still and open up... wouldn't that be a lot easier. Well, it did bust it open and cause her to have a fat lip for a day but the worst part didn't show up until later. She ended up getting a bad blood blister on her gum where her teeth are coming in so that is why she wouldn't eat or quit crying. So, the vegetables were waiting and I Couldn't get the blood to stop so my precious friend Ronda went and picked them up for me while she was getting hers and dropped them by my house. Even when she was feeling utterly horrible, she still was there for me as always. What would I do without you??? By the time she got there, Graci had quit bleeding but still wasn't too happy. In the meantime when all of this was going on, my precious PayPay was getting into things as always. She had gotten the toothpaste and had it all over the counter and on her while she was supposed to be brushing her teeth. (couldn't find my camera for that one). But I was determined to move on with my day. The next thing on my "to do" list was to go to the gym and do the Boot Camp class. Yes you read that right, Boot Camp - it literally kicked my butt. On my way to get in the car, I told the 2 older girls to go ahead of me and get in the car and buckle in (nothing new). However, Paypay strikes again. I heard her yelling for me while I was still upstairs getting Graci (which Emi had taken out of the exersaucer and just left in the floor by my room screaming b/c she couldn't find me). Back to Pay... she had buckled herself into a carseat that is just in the garage and couldn't get out. Emi was already in the car and buckled in and wouldn't get out to help her. Graci was screaming because she couldn't find me but also because she had an explosion in her diaper and it was all over her outfit. By this time, it is 9:40 and class starts at 10:00. I quickly changed Graci and went down the stairs, unbuckled Payton and got everyone in the right carseats and was pulling out of the garage with 10 minutes left before class started. (By this point, it was just determination to get there and nothing more.)
When I got in the car, the girls were yelling for there music and I just told them to be quiet and let me pray so I didn't say something I shouldn't. So I prayed and then I told them mommy needed her music. This is when God showed me how cool he is. I turned up the volume and there was this song on by StudioStory B (or something like that... J Vines, you might know what I am talking about) and the lyrics were something like "you are not alone, I am with you".... then the next song started out with "it's been a bad one, it's been a rough one... talking about today" - I literally laughed out loud and then called my sis-in-law to share it with her. I started telling Satan he was going to win, I was going to the gym no matter how late I walked into class.... then I got stopped by the train - hahahahha!!!! Needless to say, I was late to class but I went and had a great workout.
I then went to see my precious nephew Will play soccer and score a goal!!!! It ended up being a good day but man it didn't start out that way.


Ronda said...

I feel like I should be playing the song "I will survive!". You are such a great mom! Hang in there girl. We pray for you daily.

Jennifer said...

Oh, well, isn't that a fun way to start a Saturday?!!! I'm so sorry for the drama and trauma, but so thankful you are learning to persevere despite all the insanity. You are doing great, and God is going to get you through all these hard days!