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Thursday, March 27, 2008


Easter was such a beautiful day, cold, but beautiful. It wasn't about the girls looking beautiful (which they did), but about making sure they understood just what Easter was. We didn't really talk about the Easter bunny, even though they got baskets with some candy, but really tried to focus on Jesus and the sacrifice that was made in order for us to be saved.

When the girls woke up on Sunday morning they came in and sat on the bed and were admiring all their candy. Emi laid down next to me and I asked her what day it was. This was our conversation:

M: What day is today?
E: Easter
M: What is Easter?
E: (Thinking...) Well, Jesus died on the cross but then he rose from the dead. He was put behind some rocks but when Mary went in to find him, Jesus wasn't there. When she finally saw Jesus he told her "don't be scared, see Mary, it is me, look at my hands, they have scars on them from the cross". Jesus died and then got up from the dead to save us from our sins so we can be born again.
M: Emi, that is great and I'm glad you are finally understanding what Jesus did for us.

I sat in the bed and just thanked God for the girls and for Emi listening to the stories we have been trying to teach her out of the Bible. It was such a breath of fresh air to know that the little seeds we are planting each day, are finally starting to grow.

We had a great day at church and then at Nana & Paw's house with family.

Here are a few pics to share...

My "angels". My precious mom-in-law made these beautiful dresses!! They were absolutely amazingly beautiful!!!

This was our attempt at a family picture... you know how much fun that is with 3 little ones that are tired and hungry.

These are all the cousins on the Roberts' side. Guy, Ben, Will, Brooks, Emi, Graci & Payton. We didn't get one picture with all of them looking in the same direction :)


Amy said...

Those picture *are* great! The dresses are just amazing. Your mother-in-law is super blessed in that area! Such a sweet family. I miss those babies!

Jenn said...

beautiful fam!!!!!!! i love my adorable girls! grt pics---thank you, our family photographer...

also, your dress is super cute;o)

i'm going to frame several of the boys:) & one of them all together
